June 11, 2012

A tale of a well in Andhra Pradesh

 It was an arid region receiving meagre rainfall. As a child, I used to visit a temple there, where people used to draw water from a sacred well with a bucket and rope to wash their hands and legs before approaching the resident deity. Recently, I visited the same temple. As my mind was being flooded by nostalgia, I found that the well has been replaced by a tap. The original well has silted up and is now used as a dustbin.

Mr. K.Venu Gopal, Joint Director,Ground water department Andhra Pradesh, went down memory lane and relates traditional ways to present practices. To read his full story click here.

May 7, 2012

World Bank and Tamil Nadu meet to discuss DSS

Following a successful visit to Andhra Pradesh (see post below), Johan Grijsen, representing the World Bank, together with Narayan Bhat of the TAMC, visited Tamil Nadu to assess the progress with the DSS. 

The hydrological conditions in Tamil Nadu are from an overall perspective rather unique and different from other States, in the sense that most of the 17 Basins in the state feature thousands of traditional tank systems, ranging from very small to very large tanks. These tanks along with groundwater exploitation form the major source of water for domestic and industrial water supply as well as minor irrigation. Tanks also play a major role in the recharge of groundwater (3 months per year). Since the groundwater component of the MIKE BASIN model has limited options for an adequate modeling of infiltration and recharge of groundwater, Tamil Nadu deemed it necessary to introduce the MIKE SHE model for the DSS to accommodate the modeling of groundwater processes.

One of Tamil Nadu's large tanks visited by the team
So far Tamil Nadu is running three pilot DSS systems for the Vaipar, Tamiraparani and Agniar Basins. In the coming weeks some preliminary results of these projects should become available.
Tamil Nadu has an active Hydrological Data Users Group so everybody is very keen to learn about these first results of the pilot DSS.
Tamil Nadu Hydrology Data Users Group meeting held on 28th March 2012
Realising the importance of spreading information the departments make sure that each Hydrology Data Users Group meeting is covered by the press (see here).

May 1, 2012

HP1 team leader meets AP water departments

On behalf of the World Bank, Johan Grijsen, the team leader who ran the HP1 from 1996 till 2003, is in India and paid visit to the Surface Water and Groundwater departments of Andra Pradesh. The reason for the visit was the progress Andra Pradesh has made with the DSS.

Crucially, the advancement made by Andra Pradesh can be attributed not only to the eagerness of the departments to use all tools at their disposal, but also to the demand of the Secretary for DSS outputs. High level interest naturally helps motivating everybody involved.

Johan Grijsen in discussion with the Surface water and Groundwater department of Andhra Pradesh

So, to drive the application of the DSS further, following a week long elaborate discussions and field visits, it is proposed that the departments, together with Johan, will work out a plan to specifically focus on the employment of the DSS for conjunctive use and drought management.

April 16, 2012

Measurements made under HP reveal alarming ground water depletion

Mr. Radhakrishnan, hydrogeologist with the Pondicherry groundwater unit, got the picture clear; the situation was bad and is getting worse. Analysing measurements made under the Hydrology Project he found that the ground water level in the Union Territory were depleting at an alarming rate. So alarming, he decided to call a press conference on the subject, see: HP in the Press in Pondicherry.

March 18, 2012

DSS in Kerala

Now here is what we would call enthusiasm, commitment and team spirit! To show their belief in the DSS the Kerala team has printed shirts to show the world they are involved and working on better water management. We hope other agencies will follow this great example of creating awareness.

What a great way to increase awareness!

On the photo are:
Ajith Kumar, Thomas Scaria, Thomas Mathew and Shibu George

March 9, 2012

Lots of awareness activities in Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh has stepped up its HP awareness activities and the press is taking notice. Read about there last two events here.

August 19, 2010

More HP in the Press

The press in Goa seems fascinated with the Hydrology Project and published again three articles. Read them all here! 

August 3, 2010

Awareness materials produced in Goa

The opening of the HP Data Centre and Level II Laboratory led to the creation of various awareness materials including:

To consistently reinforce the HP identity, the Goa Water Resources department made sure all signboards in and on the building were carrying the HP logo.

They also made a special board explaining the purpose of HP and a map indicating the various measuring stations.

This clever board was displayed prominently in foyer of the data centre so nobody can miss it.

A beautiful, multi-coloured brochure to give people information on the HP activities in Goa which you can see here. It would be great if other HP implementing agencies can follow this example.
A momento to give to various people who played an important role the establishing of the HP data centre and laboratory. Among others, this momento was  presented to the Chief Minister and Minister of Water Resources as well as the Chief Architect.
The use of momentos that look good is very high because they tend to have a long 'shelf life'. The people who receive them are likely to put them on display on a prominent place and there is a good chance that they will stay on display for many months, often years. That way they will promote the HP for a long time to come!

Press Release
A press release with photos to make sure that the press would have relevant information about the HP project to facilitate easy publishing. While many press publications will do their own write up and make their own photos, most are grateful to receive ready to publish material. Basically, the easier you make it for the press, the more likely they are to publish. See the result!

Vehicle Stickers
Stickers to identify vehicles used to carry out HP duties.

These are all good, easy and cheap ways to raise awareness about the existence of the Hydrology Project. Hopefully other Implementing Agencies will show us soon what they are doing about awareness. If you have already material send it to hp2@vsnl.net so we can show it here as well!

July 26, 2010

Opening HP Data Centre in Goa

On 27th July 2010, Shri Digambar V. Kamat, the Chief Minister of Goa, inaugurated the HP Data Centre and Laboratory Level II+ in Porvorim, Goa. 

The Minister for Water Resources, Shri Filipe Neri Rodrigues and Mr. Dayanand G. Narvekar, MLA of Aldona Constituency will also be present.

Have a look at the photos, press releases and a video of the new building!

Chief Minister Digambar V. Kamat (centre), Minister for Water Resources, Filipe Neri Rodrigues (black striped shirt), HP Chief Engineer, Mr. S. T. Nadkarni (far left) and the rest of the HP team.

June 26, 2010

Flood forecasting presentation

On 25th June, Dr. Curtis Barrett gave a presentation on the Latest Advances in Flood Forecasting and Early Warning Systems to all visiting HP Implementing Agencies in New Delhi. To view the full presentation click here.